Welcome to our S&N Tech Store



    Who we are


S   >  The Single mother who devoted her life providing for her daughter’s and parents.

Our life sometime Up and Down but We stay strong and stick together

 N   >  The daughter who is studying hard for her Education and support her family.

      Our Mission

 #  We are searching  for the Best Quality Tech products with Reasonable price for everyone.

#   We provide reliable and Fast shipping.

 #  1% OF THE PROFIT provide   Love & Care bag for Homeless and shelter in our local area .

 #  We are helping Charity and The Local Church provide for people in need around the world.

 We appreciate for your support and We wish you all the best.

Our Love & Care bag include 

  - Tooth brush , Tooth paste.             - Cotton Bud , BAND-AID

  - Chapstick , Cotton but.                   - Sock , Wash cloth

   - Lotion , Bar soap.                           - Toilet tissue

   - Cracker , Tuna, oatmeal                  - Apple sauce 

   - Mask.                                               

  •      - Thank you so much for your support from February  until now we gave away  32 Love & Care Bag for the Homeless and a Sleeping bag.